Page 7 - Blue Collar Rules of Golf
P. 7


When they got to the golf course, Sal’s new partner asked, “Sal, 

what rules do these guys play by?” Sal was the senior player in the 

foursome and the guys all looked to him to make any decisions about 

questionable areas of the rules. Sal was quick to point out that they 

had always played by USGA rules.

Sal’s partner just happened to notice that Sal’s golf bag was over- 

lowing with clubs as he strapped it to the golf cart. Just a quick 

glance and he counted at least six woods, two putters, some wedges 

and a whole lot of irons. A conservative estimate of say...twenty 


Later, when Sal was ready to hit his tee shot, he reminded the group 

that they had decided to “roll them over” in the fairway. Then he 

casually stopped and moved the tee marker over a few feet so he 

could get a level stance. His new partner is wondering, “What 

USGA rules was Sal talking about?”

That level stance didn’t help much and Sal sliced his ball over in the 

trees. Gaazam! Quick as a wink, he was hitting again! From the tee. 

A mulligan? This shot was short, but it did go down the middle of 

the fairway on this easy par four. Sal said, “Guys I’ll play this one. 

Somebody pick up my ball if you see it over there.” When Sal got

to his mulligan ball, he picked it up and looked to see what brand 

he was hitting. One of the other members of the foursome found the 

irst ball and brought it to him.

Sal dropped the irst ball there in the fairway. His next shot ended

up in the trap by the green. The other players had already hit their 

shots onto the green. Sal made his way to the trap and found his ball 

sitting deep in a footprint. Some fool in front of him was careless and 

forgot to rake the trap. He gently moved his ball out of the footprint 

with his sand wedge. From the area next to the footprint he hit the 

ball onto the green.


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